Junior Membership

The Club has one of the most active junior sections in the County.

The aim of our junior section is:-

• To help our juniors to enjoy their golf to whatever level they may aspire.
• To make their golfing experience one of fun in a friendly and safe environment, where great
friendships can be made.

A junior member must be under the age of 18 at the time of subscription renewal on 1st June.

Our thriving junior section has two categories, under 14 and 14-18 years old. We have a Junior Captain and a junior committee and they meet regularly to plan the events.

We organise a full programme of competitions for juniors including monthly medals, Stablefords and knock-out competitions and we hold lots of fun team competitions in the holidays. We also hold a number of family events (Family Foursomes and Junior Family Competition and barbeque). We play friendly junior matches against the other sections of the Club and also take part in events arranged by the County golf organisations. Once a year in November we have a Junior Presentation evening for all junior members and their families. At this event we present all the trophies for the year, have a sit-down meal, a raffle and a fun quiz.

For details about the junior section, please contact Margaret Bedford, our Junior Organiser, at e: shgcmkb@gmail.com or call her on t: 020 8940 5044.

The Club is committed to providing a safe environment for juniors and we maintain SafeGolf Accreditation through England Golf our national governing body. We review our Safeguarding Policy annually and this is displayed prominently in the Clubhouse. This summary policy statement together with the more detailed ‘Children and Young People Safeguarding Policy and Procedures’ can also be viewed in the Club office.